Unveiling Website Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

4 min readMay 15, 2024


Make an Accurate Diagnosis

Find out when the issue began and for how long it has persisted before you try to fix it. If it happens out of the blue, check if your website has been operating smoothly. Verify the statistics of your site every day. Get in touch with your host or developer immediately if you see a period of hours or days with zero traffic. The dependability of your server can be severely compromised.

Investigate User Appeal by Analysing Traffic Statistics

You can truly put your Web analytics knowledge to use here. You can tell whether your site is no longer popular by looking at the following numbers in your analytics:

  • If the number of unique users drops, it’s likely because of traffic.
  • Frequency of Return Visits
  • Quantity of Meetings
  • Total Page Views, Average Time on Page, and Total Session Duration

Return to the period three months prior to the onset of anaemia at your site. Your site may benefit from an overhaul if it has a declining trend in any of the following areas.

Make Sure Your Design Is Attractive to Users

You should always take the time to look at your site from a fresh perspective, regardless of how old it is. Evaluate your site’s concept, content, navigation, decoration, and marketing efficacy using the Web Site Assessment Form. Ask a few random people who match your target market’s demographics to do the same. Within the initial few seconds of landing on the homepage, a site must capture the attention of potential new visitors, hold their interest for at least two more pages, and ultimately encourage them to return for more.

Simplify Site Navigation for Users

Verify that all links are functioning correctly. Instruct your programmer to ensure that all of the links on your site, both internal and external, are functioning properly by running a link verification programme. Verify those by hand if required. The connections are actually leading to the desired destinations, and it appears that all external links are opening in a new window. Verify that all links to e-mail are active. Give PDFs a go if you want people to download them. Verify that they open correctly and include a link to download Acrobat Reader. In the event that you are facing forms; verify their functionality as well. Is there graceful error handling on the site for things like phone numbers, email formats, and missing or incomplete fields? It’s crucial for conversion monitoring, and it’s also a question of usability and politeness.

Verify Page Data

There are three main ways for people to discover your website: by directly entering your URL, by following a link from another site, or by using a search engine. Review the data for the last several months on your website’s traffic. Look for comparisons to usage in similar months last year if you can. Every website experiences cyclical changes in traffic. If your site’s ranking has been steadily declining, it may be time to update it because search engines prioritise newly added content.

Use a Range of Methods to Draw in More Customers

Using a single marketing plan is a bad idea. A decrease in total traffic means fewer visitors are reaching the conversion funnel’s upper echelons. Refer back to the Web Marketing Methods Checklist you created. Duplicate the work. Select all the methods you are utilising at the moment and mark them off on one. On the flip side, instead of or in addition to the current ways, try checking off some new ones. Make sure you have many avenues of audience contact by utilising a mix of online, offline, and onsite marketing strategies.

Verify Lead, Sales, and Conversion Data

How many people who visit your site actually do what you want them to do (your conversion rate), (like asking for a price or buying something) is the most crucial number for you to keep track of. Store statistics make it easier to measure sales. In order to monitor potential customers, it is necessary to determine what you will be measuring ahead of time and establish a system to track the number of calls coming from your website, such a separate phone number.

Create a Sales-Focused Website

Make sure you’re undertaking a thorough examination of your site to ensure it meets the sales requirements. Among the many methods at your disposal are the following:

  • The products should be updated on a regular basis.
  • Give them what they desire at a price they can afford.
  • Appeal to the advantages rather than the characteristics while selling.
  • Make use of the three-letter term (YOU!) in marketing.
  • Place an order with just two clicks.
  • Make it easy to shop by providing opportunities to do things like view a total, estimate shipping, modify an order, and continue shopping.
  • Provide shipping at a reasonable price.
  • Make your consumer policy stand out.
  • Make a product search function available on the site.

Worms Are Welcome

The business worms emerge when you flip the Web rock. Going online will amplify any issues your company has, whether it’s a lack of personnel, issues with a vendor, or sloppy recordkeeping. Prioritise resolving your own issues. If you’re having trouble determining why your website is losing money, it could be due to factors external to your site. Go back to the basics: your target audiences and your company.

Maintaining Your Site is an Ongoing Process

Your website, like a child, will remain by your side throughout the years that you own your firm. In the absence of regular maintenance, your site will eventually flag, sag, drag, and collapse. Prior to starting, consider the amount of work that will be required.

© Image credits to Dan Cristian Pădureț

Posted in web development




Written by Scalarly


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