Reaching People Through Their Pin Feeds

6 min readApr 26, 2024



Leveraging Pinterest for Maximum Engagement

The influx of new users into Pinterest has led to the creation of many more pins, making the platform increasingly popular. However, this popularity brings challenges in maximizing the effectiveness of your pins. To truly harness the power of Pinterest, it’s essential to understand various strategies for pinning, sourcing quality content, staying updated on trends, engaging with the community, building a following, and utilizing tools for insights.

Understanding Pinning Strategies

Visual Appeal and Experimentation

To make the most out of your pins, start with visually appealing images. Attention and participation are more likely to be prompted by high-quality, visually appealing images. Find out what works best by trying out various forms of media, such as films, infographics, and photos.

Timing, Frequency, and Consistency

Experiment with the timing and frequency of your pins to determine the optimal schedule for reaching your audience. It is crucial to try out various posting times because individual users may be more active at different times of the day or week. Consistency is also crucial for maintaining engagement. Regularly pinning new content keeps your profile active and encourages followers to return to your boards regularly.

Content Variation

Don’t limit yourself to a single type of content. To keep your audience interested, try out new formats, styles, and subjects. Mix in a variety of pins, including product images, lifestyle shots, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and inspirational quotes. Including a variety of material on your boards keeps viewers engaged and encourages them to peruse more of your boards.

Utilising Images and Infographics

Visual Aids for Communicating Data

Infographics are a great tool for conveying data to your target audience. By visually representing data and statistics, infographics simplify and facilitate the sharing of otherwise difficult-to-understand information. Create original infographics or curate existing ones relevant to your audience’s interests.

Quotes for Inspiration

Images with quotes are another popular type of content on Pinterest. Inspirational quotes, motivational messages, and humorous sayings can resonate with users and encourage them to engage with your pins. Make quotation images that reflect your brand’s beliefs and messages or select appropriate ones from the internet.

Visual Storytelling

Beyond standalone images, consider using Pinterest to tell visual stories. Create pinboards that tell a narrative or share a journey, whether it’s a travel adventure, a DIY project, or a recipe collection. A more engaging experience for your viewers is possible when you arrange your pins into logical narratives.

Finding Quality Pins

Sourcing from Popular Categories

One way to discover quality pins is by exploring popular categories on Pinterest. The Popular category showcases trending content that resonates with a wide audience. By browsing through these pins, you can gain insights into popular trends and topics that may be relevant to your audience.

Direct Sourcing from Websites

Another approach is to pin content directly from websites. Many websites include social sharing buttons or Pinterest widgets that make it easy to pin images directly from their pages. When pinning from external websites, be sure to credit the original source and provide a clear description to give context to your pins.

Utilizing Search and Discovery Tools

Pinterest offers various search and discovery tools to help you find quality pins. If you want to reach a certain demographic, you can narrow your focus by using the search bar. You can also explore related pins and boards to discover new content and sources of inspiration. Furthermore, depending on your activities and interests, Pinterest’s algorithm might suggest relevant pins.

Staying Updated on Trends

Monitoring Popular Pins and Boards

To keep up with the latest trends and subjects, make it a habit to regularly check popular pins and boards. Tools like Repinly provide insights into the most popular pins and boards on Pinterest, allowing you to identify content that resonates with users. By keeping an eye on trending topics, you can adapt your content strategy to capitalize on popular trends and themes.

Weekly Email Updates

Pinterest offers a weekly email update feature that highlights popular pins and boards from your network. You can keep up with the newest platform trends and advancements by subscribing to these updates, which will send you handpicked content straight to your inbox. Take advantage of this data to guide your content strategy and tap into popular subjects.

Participating in Community Activities

Tips for Being Polite Online

When pinning or repinning content on Pinterest, it’s essential to practice proper online etiquette. When you pin something, be sure to give credit to the original source and give some background information. Avoid infringing on copyright by only pinning content that you have permission to share. By respecting the rights of content creators and following community guidelines, you can maintain a positive reputation on the platform.

Building Relationships through Repins

Repinning other people’s content is an excellent way to build relationships and engage with the Pinterest community. Repin popular pins to your own boards and offer insightful comments when you see ones that speak to your audience. This serves two purposes: first, it gives credit where credit is due, and second, it helps users find others who share their interests.

Participating in Group Boards

Group boards are collaborative boards where multiple users can contribute pins on a specific topic or theme. Joining group boards related to your niche allows you to reach a broader audience and collaborate with other content creators. Engage actively in group board discussions, share valuable content, and contribute to the community to maximize your visibility and impact.

Establishing a Fan Base

Building an Individualised Feed

Create an interest- and preference-specific feed by following appropriate boards and users. Explore different categories, niches, and topics to discover new content and sources of inspiration. By following accounts that align with your interests, you can create a diverse and engaging feed that keeps you informed and entertained.

The Promotion of Community Involvement

Share helpful information, reply to comments, and start conversations with your followers on a regular basis to engage them. Make people feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts and opinions by posing questions, holding polls, or surveys. By fostering a sense of community and belonging, you can strengthen your relationships with your followers and encourage them to become more engaged with your content.

Making use of Data and Insights

Learn more about your audience’s habits and interests with Pinterest’s in-built analytics features. Find out which pins are getting a lot of attention by keeping tabs on important metrics like engagement, clicks, saves, and impressions. Put this information to use by adjusting your content strategy, scheduling pins more effectively, and creating material that specifically addresses your audience’s interests and requirements.

Utilizing Tools for Insights

Leveraging Third-Party Tools

In addition to Pinterest’s native analytics tools, consider leveraging third-party tools and resources to gain deeper insights into your Pinterest performance. Streamline your pinning process and optimise your content strategy with tools like Tailwind, Buffer, and Hootsuite. These tools offer comprehensive scheduling options and statistics. If you want a better grasp of your audience and better results on Pinterest, you should combine data from many sources.

Tracking the Actions of Followers

Keep an eye on the patterns of engagement and behaviour of your followers to spot trends and areas where you can improve. Track metrics such as follower growth, engagement rate, and click-through rate to measure the effectiveness of your content and campaigns.You may use this data to find out what needs fixing, how to improve your targeting, and how to make your content more engaging.


Pinterest offers a powerful platform for reaching and engaging with your target audience through visually appealing content and community interactions. By understanding various pinning strategies, sourcing quality content, staying updated on trends, engaging with the community, building a following, and utilizing tools for insights, you can maximize your impact and achieve your goals on Pinterest. Experiment with different approaches, monitor your performance, and adapt your strategy based on feedback and data to continually improve your results. With dedication, creativity, and strategic planning, you can leverage Pinterest to effectively reach and connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

© Image credits to Dids .

Posted in Social Media Marketing

