Enhancing Your Notebook Experience

4 min read4 days ago


Expanding the Set of Items

You will now see a few of the many objects that can be inserted into the book pages in action. To acquire the most recent news on a similar topic to the target website, for instance, you can utilise an RSS feed where the feed is placed. Unlike any other book, they provide real-time data input to yours.

Adding News with RSS Feeds

  1. Open the Add Blank Page page, then rename it to News. This will establish a news page.
  2. In the sidebar, click on Add RSS. In cases where the button is concealed, press “more”.
  3. Input the RSS feed’s URL, like this: http://news.google.ae/news?um=1&ned=us&hl=en&q=%22kodak+zi6%22&output=rss.

Incorporating Sample Videos

Readers will be eager to see some sample videos to see the digital camcorder in action, since that is what we are discussing. You may easily add video to your book by embedding it into pages. We can embellish the video with text and a shape — another page-addable object — and then add it to the page.

  1. Make a blank page and name it Sample Videos. After that, go to the Embed tab and paste the embed code of the video. Then, click Add Video on the left pane. Press the Insert button to proceed.
  2. Following the format, add some descriptive text.
  3. Attach an arrow from the Shapes toolbox (bottom right of the Notebook window) to draw greater attention to the highlighted video.
  4. To change the color of the arrow shape, use the choose tool (the first item in the toolbox) to choose it. Fill Colour is the next option on the toolbar. Select a colour and then click OK.

Adding Entire Web Pages

Another option is to incorporate an entire web page into the book. It has the potential to swiftly add a great deal of material to the book.

  1. Select “Add Web Page” from the sidebar.
  2. After entering the page URL, click Create in the Add Web Page dialogue box. When the main website is updated, this provides live content that updates as well.
  3. Lastly, change the page’s name to Product Page.

Introducing an Online Store

I think it would be a great addition to the book if there was an online store so that the interested reader could buy it without ever leaving the book. To achieve this, I will use an Amazon HTML snippet that links to their online store so that people can buy the product.

  1. Firstly, make a new page that is empty and call it eShop.
  2. Second, go to Amazon.com (the retailer) and get the code snippet that was generated.
  3. Insert the code snippet into the “Add HTML” button on the sidebar. After that, press Insert to proceed.

Publishing Your Book

Your first online book is complete; I applaud you. Notebook can do much more than what was illustrated in the book about digital camcorders. One option is to travel to the limit of your imagination. Notebook has more than just text and photos, which is a big plus compared to e-books and conventional books. You may also include embedded videos and other media. It begins elevated when augmented with presentations, spreadsheets, and word processor files generated by other Zoho programmes.

Sharing Your Books

What good is a book if no one but the author can understand it? You should publish your novels if you want people all around the globe to read them. Once you’ve made your notes public, anyone may view them, peruse them, search for specific information, and even comment on individual pages. Publishing (or sharing) a book, page, or even an object (a text box, an image container, etc.) is a helpful tool offered by Notebook. The amount of control and flexibility you have over the stuff that users can access is greatly enhanced by this.

Collaborative Editing

Conversely, sharing opens the door for others to add to the books’ content. Coauthoring just got a whole lot better with this handy function. First, let’s start with publishing. We’ll cover distributing material later on.

Versioning and Browser Extension

Even while we won’t go over every single feature of Notebook in this chapter, there are two more that are worth talking about. In this section, I will go over the versioning features of Notebook that let you monitor the modifications made to them, and then I will go over the Notebook browser extension that lets you write notes uninterrupted while you browse the web.

Monitoring Modifications

Notebook provides a convenient method for you to record the modifications made to your books. Each page and object in a book can have its versioning information checked.

Making Mental Notes

Notebook might also be useful while you are collecting data while browsing the web.

© Image credits to Steve Johnson

Posted in Digital Marketing

